Assoc. Prof. Dr | Xiaofeng | Wei | Huaqiao University | China | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Raphael | Duval | Université de Lorraine | France | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Mona | A.M. Abd El-Gawad | National Research Centre | Egypt | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Fayza | Assem | National Research Center | Egypt | Dairy Science Excellence Award |
Prof. Dr | Ines Cristina | Giometti | UNOESTE | Brazil | Best Paper Award |
Dr | Qëndresa | Rramani Dervishi | University of Bonn | Germany | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc. Prof. Dr | َAlireza | Rahman | Islamic Azad University | Iran | Best Faculty Award |
Dr | uzman | khan | KC Cosmetics | Pakistan | Young Scientist Award |
Mr | Dahir | Ali | SIMAD University | Somalia | Best Paper Award |
Dr | Asaye | Demelash | Debre Markos University, Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Alessio | Di Luca | University of Bari Aldo Moro, UniBa | Italy | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | Jürgen | Heinisch | University of Osnabrueck | Germany | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Woubit | Abebe | Tuskegee University | United States | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Louiza | HIMED | Laboratoire BIOQUAL INATAA, université frères mentouri Constantine1, Algérie | Algeria | Best Researcher Award |
Dr | Veronica | Zingales | University of Valencia | Spain | Young Scientist Award |
Prof. Dr | Yu-Cheng | Yang | College of Chemical Engineering, Huaqiao University | China | Best Researcher Award |
Assoc. Prof. Dr | Tianyuan | Song | Zhejiang Gongshang University, School of Food Science and Biotechnology | China | Young Scientist Award |
Assoc. Prof. Dr | Yang | Liu | Tarim University | China | Best Researcher Award |
Ms | Qing | Liang | College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering | China | Best Researcher Award |
Prof. Dr | A. M. | Abd El-Aty | Ataturk University | Turkey | Food Packaging Technology Award |